Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Link List

Operating Systems

Haiku, a BeOS clone is near it's first release after eleven years. The article gives a nice rundown of the project for those not in the know.


The Listserve is an ongoing lottery consisting of a group of people who have joined it; every day, a randomly chosen one gets to send a message to the whole group (it eventually hopes to have a million people, currently it is at around twenty-two thousand)

McSweeneys has a positively delightful short look at the future of used (e)book stores.
"Why, hello there!—I was just appraising some rare PDFs in the back room when I heard you come in. Feel free to peruse our inventory, and if you have any questions, please allow me—one of the world’s foremost authorities on and purveyors of fine electronic books—to act as your steward through the wonderfully esoteric world of antique eBook collecting."


Jeff Moser gives a great account of the math behind the SSL cryptography that all happens within a few milliseconds of you connecting to a secure website.


Thingiverse now allows users to "collect" items together in to groups, and also allows others to view these groups. No more searching around for parts that will work together!

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