Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Simple Credit Card Validator

Validating credit cards numbers is a fairly simple job, and there are no short supply of algorithms out there you can easily download to do it. That being said, it is a perfect algorithm to write in Haxe for the following reasons:
  • Speed isn't super critical
  • It doesn't involve the system in any way
  • You can use the same code across PHP, JS, Java, C++, C#, Actionscript etc.
  • The same code would be useful in all contexts.


The algorithm realized here is the Luhn algorithm. You can do the formal proofs with some discrete math, or trust the Wikipedia Article that it is useful because:
  • It detects any one digit error e.g. 1235 instead of 1234
  • It detects any one transposition e.g. 1324 instead of 1234
Both errors are exceedingly common for human typists.
(Note that the ISBN10 algorithm holds some of these same properties.)

The Code

A simple credit card validator that just runs the luhn algorithm against the
given number. It doesn't even check to see if the string is long enough!
class Validator
Call this function with a string of digits that represent a credit card
public static function validate(cardNumber : String) : Bool
return (luhn(cardNumber) == 0);

private static function luhn(numericString : String) : Int
var output = stringToDigitArray(numericString);
var sum : Int = 0;

var isEven : Bool = true;
for( i in output.iterator())
sum += sumOfDigits(i * 2);
sum += i;

isEven = !isEven; // Invert sign for next iteration

return sum % 10;

private static function stringToDigitArray(numericString : String) : Array<Int>
var output = new Array<Int>();
for( i in 0...numericString.length)

return output;

private static function sumOfDigits(number : Int) : Int
var sum : Int = 0;

while(number != 0)
sum += number %;
number = /;

sum += number;

return sum;

/* Examples */
public static function main() : Void
// False

// All true below this point

Friday, June 21, 2013

HOWTO Find and Restore a Deleted SVN File/Folder

  1. Change directories to your SVN project.
  2. Run svn log -v > all_history.txt
  3. Open all_history.txt and find the file you want (Ctrl + F is your friend!)
  4. Make sure the line of the file you want begins with a D, this means it was deleted.
  5. Look up above that file for the revision number, subtract one from it.
  6. Run a new checkout for the version right beforehand i.e.: svn co http://hostname/path/to/files_parent_directory@revision#_right_before


We want to find, here is the svn log:

r24843 | joslewis | 2013-04-14 10:24:28 -0600 (Sun, 14 Apr 2013) | 1 line
Changed paths:
D /trunk/software/src/bmod/gui/widgets/
D /trunk/software/src/bmod/gui/widgets/
D /trunk/software/src/bmod/gui/widgets/
D /trunk/software/src/bmod/gui/widgets/
D /trunk/software/src/bmod/gui/widgets/
M /trunk/software/src/bmod/plugin/generic/gui/

Modified ReportBugMenuItem to now work without WebButton. -~400 lines.

We can see it was deleted (D) during revision r24843 by me on 2013-04-14 10:24:28 -0600. That means we want to actually get the version right before it was deleted, so we'll check out version 24842.

It was in the folder: /trunk/software/src/bmod/gui/widgets/, so we'll craft a new checkout with the information to get it back:

svn co

Run this in another folder so you don't overwrite the existing source, and you'll find the deleted item in it!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Haxe Programming Language

This is a language that has seemed to slip by under the radar for the most part. Haxe, commonly pronounced "hex" or "hacks" is a language that targets many virtual machines, instead of the more common virtual machine that targets many languages.
It has a reasonable standard library that feels designed, much like Python's. The syntax is Go like, with identifiers following names:
class WebFetch 
static function main()
var output = haxe.Http.requestUrl("");
When built, this program is a ~68Kb JAR file when targeting Java or a 550Kb ELF when generating C++.
Compilation is straightforward, consisting of an internal build system that resolves libraries well, and a global repository that you can pull new packages from.
One of the biggest benefits of this language is its ability to compile and run on so many platforms; it easily handles:
  • Android
  • Flash
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • HTML + JS
  • PHP
  • Java (in Beta)

Example Uses

  • You're a web-developer and have some business code that needs to target language of the day. Haxe can compile to language of the day without the need to translate.
  • You want to code a cross-platform game to reach as broad of an audience as possible without re-writing lots of code.
  • You want to develop a client for an API you publish so developers will actually use it without learning all of the languages it is going to be used in or maintaining the libraries.
  • You want to develop an app that is future proof, but don't mind it being a little ugly.


  • There is no standardized UI system.
  • The coding conventions are a strange to begin with.
  • There are some obvious deficiencies in the standard library (no string compare)
  • Code is slightly larger than it would be natively.


Overall, Haxe is a good language that I see myself using in the long run because it is so future-proof and well designed. Plus, the ability to do things easily cannot be underestimated. The example above would have taken over 100 lines of Java and about the same in C++, instead it took eight and thirty seconds to put together after knowing the language less than twenty-four hours.