Saturday, February 26, 2011


I just dug out my old TI-83 Plus and was poking around the PRGM menu and found a few old programs that I had made.  Most of them were little helper programs that I created while the teacher was lecturing in my tenth grade pre-calculus class (I didn't take calculus until three years later, by then most of it was gone).

I had learned BASIC two years prior to learning TIBASIC, in an old math textbook that a teacher of mine had collected.  My original programs were written on a sheet of lined paper, and did simple things like solve triangles.  I was unable to find an suitable interpreter as BASIC had taken its leave years prior, I was simply born about ten years too late.

A freshman in that class (who was a genius and later became a dear friend of mine), was very patient in teaching me the essentials of the language, I started off with a few simple things such as making the program distributed by the teacher to solve quadratic equations run twice as fast.  I also made a minesweeper, but that seems to have disappeared off the calculator.  Later on I also made PONG, but this too has gone (PONG ran very slowly, but none-the-less worked).  There was another game I made that made you race around the screen attempting to collect items...

Anyhow that is enough reminiscing for today :)

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