Monday, September 19, 2011

XLSX Parsing in Python

A while ago I had to throw together a program that read from .xslx files. Knowing essentially nothing about them, other than the fact that they were xml files in a zip, I was able to hack together something that worked kind of like the default CSV reader in Python. For every row in the file, it returns an array of cell contents.

In this case only Text and Numeric cells will render properly, formulas and such won't work. Also, the only sheet read is sheet1.

Okay, a little about the file structure of xlsx: Sheet info is stored in xl/worksheets/sheetX.xml, which looks essentially like this:
<row collapsed="false" customformat="false" customheight="false" hidden="false" ht="12.8" outlinelevel="0" r="1">
<c r="A1" s="0" t="s"><v>0</v></c>
<c r="B1" s="0" t="n"><v>123</v></c>

Cells (c tags) have several types (denoted by the t attribute) "s" is a string, and "n" is a number. The string's attribute is an index for a string in the xl/sharedStrings.xml file, which removes duplicate strings from the saved data.

''' Opens .xlsx files as if they were .csv files. '''
import zipfile
import xml.dom.minidom
import re

class XLSXReader:

def _nodeText(self, node):
return "".join(t.nodeValue for t in node.childNodes if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE)

def _get_col_num(self, col):

strpart = col.attributes['r'].value
colnum = re.sub('[^A-Z]', '', strpart.upper().strip())

c = 0
for char in colnum:
c += ord(char)

c -= (65) # ASCII to number

print("Colnum for '%s' is %s" % (strpart, c))

return c

def __init__(self, filename):
shared_strings = []
self.rows = []
myFile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename)

# Read the shared strings file.
share = xml.dom.minidom.parseString('xl/sharedStrings.xml'))
j = share.getElementsByTagName("t")

for node in j:

sheet = xml.dom.minidom.parseString('xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml'))
sheetrows = sheet.getElementsByTagName("row")
for row in sheetrows:
cols = row.getElementsByTagName("c")

largest_col_num = 0
for col in cols:
colnum = self._get_col_num(col)
if colnum > largest_col_num:
largest_col_num = colnum

thiscol = ['']*(largest_col_num + 1)

for col in cols:
value = ""
value = self._nodeText(col.getElementsByTagName('v')[0])
except IndexError:

#Get col number (A=0, B=1, etc. up to AA)

colnum = self._get_col_num(col) # ASCII to number

if col.attributes['t'].value == 's':
thiscol[colnum] = shared_strings[int(value)]
thiscol[colnum] = value
except KeyError:
thiscol[colnum] = value


def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.rows[i]

To use the code, call the class with a file name, then use a for - each loop to iterate over the rows.

Update 2012-09-14: Mati noted that in some situations the xlsx format didn't have the proper attribute to indicate a number, and sent in a patch. Thanks!

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