I devised a way to do it though, and in a few hours came up with a handy script (yeah yeah, a few hours isn't exactly a one hour hack, but downloading the SVN branch you want should be).
Essentially the script does this:
- INIT a new repo at the desired location.
- Check out the most current branch of the old repo.
- Check the history of the old repo to check which revisions to sync (the changed ones).
- For each changed one, check it out, rsync it to the checked out new repo, and commit it to the new repo with the old log message.
- Finish some time later after you have made yourself a cup of tea and watched the most recent Doctor Who.
# Check for proper args
if [ -z "$1" ];
echo -e "Usage:\n$0 URL_TO_COPY_FROM URL_TO_COPY_TO" && exit 1
echo "Fetching branch from: $SVNFROM"
echo "Copying branch to: $SVNTO"
# Set up environment.
if [ -e tempsvn ];
rm -rf tempsvn
mkdir tempsvn tempsvn/download tempsvn/upload tempsvn/current
cd tempsvn
echo "Checking out current..."
svn co $SVNFROM current
HISTORY=`svn log current | grep \| | cut -d\ -f1 | sed 's/r\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' | sort -k1,1n`
# Init the new repo at the given location.
svn import upload $SVNTO -m ""
svn co $SVNTO upload
num=`echo $HISTORY | wc -w`
echo "There are $num revisions in this branch."
for REVNO in $HISTORY; do
rm -rf download
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Revision: $REVNO"
echo "Fetching..."
ENTRIES=`svn co $SVNFROM@$REVNO download`
CHANGES=`echo $ENTRIES | wc -l`
echo "Found $CHANGES change(s)."
echo "Change Log:"
cd download
LOG=`svn log -r $REVNO | grep \- -v`
echo $LOG
echo ""
cd ..
echo "Exporting..."
rsync -a --exclude='.svn' download/ upload/
cd upload
for E in $ENTRIES; do
BEGIN=`echo $E | cut -d\ -f1`
END=`echo $E | cut -d\ -f5- | cut -d/ -f2-`
case "$BEGIN" in
'A') svn add -q $END ;;
'D') svn del $END ;;
if [ -e log.log ]; then rm log.log; fi;
echo $LOG > log.log
echo "Commiting new..."
svn commit -F log.log
cd ..
# Tear down environment.
cd ..
rm -rf tempsvn
One slight problem though, it removes and re-checks out the branch it is copying from every time because I was getting strange errors about branches being out of date, if anyone could fix that, it would increase the speed greatly.
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